Roberto Vianni grey suede boots, UO scarf, shirt dress from HK
These grey suede OTK boots are probably my favorite fall purchase so far. I love how you can wear them as over-the-knees or fold down the flaps as regular knee-highs. I bought them on sale last week! My co-worker wanted to show me a pair of boots she has been coveting, so we took a trip to the mall at lunch. While she debated over her boots, I fell in love with these suede ones! Then, the lady came and told us about a sale that we just couldn't pass up - First pair $30 off, second pair $50 off! Half an hour later, we were two shoe-happy gals back to work! This definitely broke the record for the quickest boot-buying shopping trip!
As you've probably noticed, my dog is always in my pictures.... he seriously just loves getting photos taken! Maybe next time we'll take pictures of just him so he gets the spotlight all to himself :)