1. Leather Jacket

I think it really cool to wear a leather jacket.
But when and where should I wear it in Indonesia? I really want it!! Should I buy it?
2. new jeans

yesterday i went to jakarta and i couldn't find a jeans that fitted in me. I used to buy random jeans. if I liked the color or the model then I'd bought it. But now I find what's the meaning behind the jeans. They have to FIT in you (in your ass also). Good material is also important. I have 2 or 3 good jeans, I'm not calling the rest of them are bad, but after I watch it minutely, I fund out that my jeans were all crap beside those 3. LOL. So I need the new one. I wanna ripped the old ones too. Anyone knows how?
3. boots

Here's the fact: I have short legs and I'm a big boned kind a girl. But I insist to wear an ankle boots. I already tried it everywhere on every shoes stores, but I haven't get an ankle boots that suit with my legs! UGH. Actually I'm not prioritizing it.
4. lingerie

I'm craving wiv this cos it's so comfy. I almost wear them every night and I think I need to purchase the new one.
5. make up

that's all for today (i think)