It's been a hell of week for me, first of all, my problems. UGH! Still can't find the solution and answers for all the question marks which always spins in my head.
Anyhow, skip all that shitty days,on April 22nd, we celebrated Kartini's Day. Kartini is the woman who tried to placed woman and man in the same position (she's the queen of emancipation here). COOL! She's deserved to be celebrated every single year! GIRL POWER! She's our heroine. Thanks Kartini, you rawk!
girl power!
Shortly, my bro's school celebrated that day too, I just want to share some pictures of him when he attended in his Kartini's Day at his school! Speechless! The word adorable didn't fit in him, he's way moooooooore adorable than that!

my little star

And then the disaster came, he fell out and had a serious injury in his head. He was bleeding, and in serious condition. I was in campus when that thing occurred. I got this phone call from my Mom, and I was like, "What?" I was so shock and couldn't wait to came home.But thankfully, one of my neighbor is a doctor, so my Dad called him, and he quickly came into my house. Thank God my bro was OK. But you know what, he's still cute with that bandage in his head! He's just my little star, my everything..