current mood : like a virgin!
LOL. Yesterday I attended (again) in my friend's wedding day. She's very young, same age as me. And she committed to married in a such young age. Very brave! And bold! I mean, yeah, she has a lot more courage that I have. I haven't even thinking about when I should tie the knot! Even in my wildest dream, well.. Umm.. Yes I have, to be honest. But it was just a dream, OK. LOL.. I never imagine what I'd be if I married in a young age. Cos I think it's a -once in a lifetime- and it must be perfect. With a right man, in a right time, and at a right place. I've already found the right man(!!!!) , so when is the right time? And where is the right place? FOOL me, I've just added more questions mark without answers in my head! Just wait till it's poppin out! LMAO
BTW, I went there with some of my friends. To the newly-wed, congratz for you both! GOD bless y'all!