If there's February 30th, then today is our 59th months anniversary. As a matter of fact, we're counting on our 5th year anniversary! Time moves so fast, where'd it all begun? Let me tell you our short story. I think it's funny to remember our "old times" and there were so many memories left behind! I'll start with the first time I saw him..
I met this naughty boy (he was still around 16 or 17 y.o.) at BSM, Mita brought him to me, yeap, she was the "cupid" or the "match-maker". She thought that it'd be funny if I be his girlfriend, because basically, our world is very different! My personality and his personality really like "Women from Venus and Men from Mars" (we've come from different planet!) And I just broke up with my ex boy (about 6+ months) and so did he. Mita thought that we were "high quality singles" and would be perfect if we'd together. I have no idea where this bullshit came from! LMAO!
My first thought? Ewww he was so naughty, with his weird behavior, his terrible sense of style, and his nose! I remembered his nose was very big! LOL. But there was one thing that made me think he was attractive, his sense of humor! For God's sake, he made me laugh! I mean, my friends do make me laugh too, but this guy was so different. He was weird, but on the other side, I thought he was attractive too :)) He took me home, and that was it. There's nothing special between us.
One of my girlfriend liked him. And I was like, supported her, cos I had no feeling at all that time. But unfortunately, she was moving from here to another continent and she threw a farewell party, BBQ time!!! Damn this is getting personal. Cos there were many people involved and I won't write all of them.
For short, this naughty boy chose me among others. Actually, there were many girls found he was attractive. When I came to his school, and watched him played basketball, there were those girls scream out loud his name. Me? I was just sit down on a chair next to his basketball court and chatted with one of his friend. Meanwhile those girls were turn mad, the game was got a break, and guess which girl he stepped in first? Me. The girls were like whispered each other and I was like... No I wasn't feel anything, cos I had no feeling to him.
After that time, he often came to my school and routinely came to my house at weekend. So I knew his personality, and he wasn't as bad as my first thought, he was kind, and he made me laugh. This phase went on about three months. As the time came by, my feeling for him increasingly well.
One night on March 9th 2003, he asked me to be his girlfriend. That time, I still didn't know what to do, cos I hadn't sure about this relationship, and I knew his ex-girlfriend would bring a disaster to my relationship (TRUE). But three weeks later, after I asked some of my fella, my sister, and also his sister told me that her brother has just fell in love with me, finally I answered his question "Yes, I do" It's March 30th 2003
I'll post later about my first to fifth year with him. Stay tune!! That will be HOT :))
to be continue