current mood : happy
last Thursday we jetted off to Bali, to did a pre-wedding shoot.
It was the most hectic photo-session I've ever know, I personally felt exhausted. Can't imagine, how the bride and the groom felt! LOL.
Although I didn't catch enough time to indluged myself, like SHOPPING for example. LMAO.
Here are my journal at Bali ..
last Thursday we jetted off to Bali, to did a pre-wedding shoot.
It was the most hectic photo-session I've ever know, I personally felt exhausted. Can't imagine, how the bride and the groom felt! LOL.
Although I didn't catch enough time to indluged myself, like SHOPPING for example. LMAO.
Here are my journal at Bali ..

1st day March 13 2008
Arrived at Bali on 1.40 pm, then we lunched at one of Padang's restaurant near the airport, and then we're going to our hotel at Legian. Later that afternoon, me, aan, eric, my 2nd brother and his girlfriend, headed to the Kuta beach, just to fooled around at the beach LOL. Of course we did our own photo-session! LOL. We stayed there until sunset :)
At night we went to Legian, had dinner, and home. Ready for the crazy-photo-shoots-thing!!?

2nd day March 14 2008
My sis in law had a make-up on 4 AM! God!
After we had a breakfast at hotel, we went to Mangrove, spent half of our days there, lunched at Mc.D and then going to the Dreamland! Crazy day! Me, my brother + his girlfriend, and eric had a photo-shoots too by Boy (mr.Exodus) LOL. What bother me are there loads picture of mine, with swimsuit, and held Eric's hand. Boy asked us to did that. We were holding hand each other : My brother+his girlfriend, eric, me. Those shoots made me must hold eric's hand. But of course there were no feeling between us! He already has a girlfriend, so am I. Dieter's not gonna be happy! I'm afraid............... We'll see later. But things went really fast, till I realized that I've made a mistake.
After the beach shoots, we headed to our hotel, took a bath, and had a late dinner at Made's Warung. The -bride and groom- to be, back to the hotel, while me, my 2nd brother+his girlfriend went to Rosso Vivo and had a cocktail there :)
3rd day March 15 2008
I didn't join my brother for this photo-session. The make up artist said that I shouldn't join them because the place that they'd going to were so HOT and bored. So I tend to join my 2nd brother and played around. Firstly, we went to Ubud, Pasar Sukowati. There was interesting story, there was this Korean man wanted to took my picture. That was funny :)
At noon we lunched at Bebek Bengil! Delicious crispy duck :)) and then we're seperated cos I want to shop a lil'bit for my family in Bandung. So I went to Legian, and cash-out my money! LOL. Not that bad, actually :)
While others enjoy their dinners at Arena, I tend to stay at hotel and cleaned up my room, that full with my stuff! LOL.. Couldn't believe what I've just bought!
At noon we lunched at Bebek Bengil! Delicious crispy duck :)) and then we're seperated cos I want to shop a lil'bit for my family in Bandung. So I went to Legian, and cash-out my money! LOL. Not that bad, actually :)
While others enjoy their dinners at Arena, I tend to stay at hotel and cleaned up my room, that full with my stuff! LOL.. Couldn't believe what I've just bought!
4th day March 16 2008
Last day at Bali. We went to musseum and Uluwatu. We didn't have much time, so we're going to airport. But on half our way, I remembered that I want to visit Joger, LOL. So we stopped at Joger, and I was like, WOW very crowded! I use my sale-skill! (sale-skill --> refers to my skill when the discount time comes, if you know what I mean! Haha!!) SUCCEED! I got t-shirts in a very short time :)

Last day at Bali. We went to musseum and Uluwatu. We didn't have much time, so we're going to airport. But on half our way, I remembered that I want to visit Joger, LOL. So we stopped at Joger, and I was like, WOW very crowded! I use my sale-skill! (sale-skill --> refers to my skill when the discount time comes, if you know what I mean! Haha!!) SUCCEED! I got t-shirts in a very short time :)

my own photo session - checked
running at the beach - checked
shop till I'm drop - erm.... checked
having so much fun - checked
But sadly, there's one thing left, my boyfriend.. He couldn't join us :( He picked me up at the airport, however..
Darling, when will our time?

Wait my photos!!! I'll post our pictures very soon. LOL
update #1 Those are some my fave moments at Bali. I won't post my scandal pictures (if it described as scandal, although IT WAS NOT!) , though :p
update #2 My worst nightmare seems turn out to be true. We had a big fight and it was all because those scandalous pictures! Why can he trust me? What's the point being in 5 years relationship? What we've been through so far? Doesn't he know that everyone made mistakes? I'm imperfect. I'm sorry... I really love you T_T
update #2 My worst nightmare seems turn out to be true. We had a big fight and it was all because those scandalous pictures! Why can he trust me? What's the point being in 5 years relationship? What we've been through so far? Doesn't he know that everyone made mistakes? I'm imperfect. I'm sorry... I really love you T_T
update #3 Great! Everything's clear now. Thanks for understanding me, TRUST me, that's the most important thing. Don't be over-protected honey, I'll be OK.