current mood : back to black
Does anyone here like Amy Winehouse?
Or at least, ever heard her music?
I mean, everyone, my family n friends, they seem never know who the hell she is. And when I put on her CD in my player, they like "Eww stop it! Her voice hurts my ear".
I didn't understand why her music didn't get so much airplays here in Indonesia. She's brilliant! Most original voice and singer I've ever seen and heard for almost a decade, after Madonna (when the first time I saw her "Frozen" video back in 1998) .
You need to listen to her music. She's freaking awesome. And be careful cos she's addictive. LOL. I listen to her "Back To Black" and "Frank" cds all day long. On my way to campus, my way home, evertime when I'm in my car and ALONE. Cos no one really heard of her actually. She has this song-writing talent, which Britney and friends don't have. Well she's the mix of jazz, soul, blues, and lil'bit RnB. Congratulations for her recent Grammy winning. She won 5 awards! Jeez
I hope she's gonna be fine. Cos she's a crackwhore. LOL. I still love her though. I hope she can get herself together and make a new shit! Hope I can see her gig someday...
BTW here's the preview of her musics.