My dearest and nearest and all the ones far far away who love and read FashionTitbits. Thank you for your patience and your sweet messages. I am sorry I haven't been around for a while, but I will be back soon.
I've got so much to do and since my future depends on it I've got to concentrate on my course and getting things ready for my workshop. It takes a lot of time... Blogging (my wonderful delightful exciting pleasurable hobby) has to be put on hold for just a few more days.
Still... I haven't been all serious. I did other things, too. The nice ones. I hand-stripped my dog (it was my first ever hand-stripping experience and I truly enjoyed it), treated myself to a set of cozy tartan pjs for those cold winter days when I just feel lazy and fall into a pj mood, and a few beautiful Elle MacPherson intimates since it would be a shame not to because prices of the delights were 85% off retail. I watched Coco Before Chanel (What a magic! I wish I was three times longer... ), Lagerfeld Confidential (pure coincidence!) and, apart from anything else, am now obsessed with a dream of bring home one of those beautiful Chanel shopping bags, with ribbons and camellias, that hold something very beautiful inside... (well, I know what that "something" would be, but it's a dream for now...)
Well, enough of me news.
It's time to announce the Plasterdoll giveaway winners. So the Marc Jacobs inspired print goes to... little miss Toothfairy and the Charles Anastase inspired print goes to... gorgeous Taylor Sterling! Congratulations, girl! Please kindly e-mail me your addresses to fashiontitbits@blogspot.com
Well, that's all for today. I hope I can get back to blogging next Tuesday. Have a great Friday and wonderful sunny weekend!
Lots of love