To get fashionable look, anyone or any thing can be a direction or guidance. This intensity is owned by the Hollywood celebrities. They often show the latest trends. Their fashion taste are unique, fashionable and always make amazed all fashion lovers. Even many who imitate their fashion style. The growing trend among hollywood celebrities including the silver dress, leopard print, and others.

1. Silver gown
Silver color is one of the lasting colors many chosen for the hollywood celebrities. Completed with sparkling accents or beads, silver dress has become an important part for Kate Bosworth, Taylor Swift, and Paris Hilton. Silver color was selected by them because it make more seduce look. Even, Paris was completed himself with bag and headdress in similar color to make more chic look.

2. Leopard print jacket
It looks like leopard print accents still will be the trend for the hollywood celebrities. Some celebrity caught by the paparazi camera during they put the leopard print jacket including Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, and Lily Allen. This jacket has a double function. In addition to making the look more fashionable, it will also warm the body from cold weather.

3. Golden dress
One of the things that make the appearance of hollywood celebrities look glamorous and beauty is a gown with captivating colors. For example, just look Jennifer Lopez and Megan Fox. They look so feminine when put the gold gown at the ceremony of the "Golden Globe Award". It seems the gold coloration is still attractive for fashion lovers.

1. Silver gown
Silver color is one of the lasting colors many chosen for the hollywood celebrities. Completed with sparkling accents or beads, silver dress has become an important part for Kate Bosworth, Taylor Swift, and Paris Hilton. Silver color was selected by them because it make more seduce look. Even, Paris was completed himself with bag and headdress in similar color to make more chic look.

2. Leopard print jacket
It looks like leopard print accents still will be the trend for the hollywood celebrities. Some celebrity caught by the paparazi camera during they put the leopard print jacket including Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, and Lily Allen. This jacket has a double function. In addition to making the look more fashionable, it will also warm the body from cold weather.

3. Golden dress
One of the things that make the appearance of hollywood celebrities look glamorous and beauty is a gown with captivating colors. For example, just look Jennifer Lopez and Megan Fox. They look so feminine when put the gold gown at the ceremony of the "Golden Globe Award". It seems the gold coloration is still attractive for fashion lovers.