[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]

Last week, my two girls celebrated their birthday!!
First of all, my sister Imelda, who celebrated her 26th birthday on last Friday (Sept 12)
Gawd, how can I describe her? She's a multi-talented, luckiest, toughest girl in the world! You'll be amazing if I write down her Curriculum Vitae here! She's been through many storms in her life, and that what makes her stand the way she is now. You won't believe every goal that she has achieve in her life. Too many to list. Too long to mention. She's just.. Incredible!! (I'd wish I can be like her someday, LOL) That's way too dreamy.
I always pray that she will get what she's been dreaming of, reach another milestone, and wish the best for her!!
In the other side of this world...

My girl Amy was also celebrating her 25th birthday on Sept 14th.
She's a very talented woman, the best female song-writer I've ever heard in ages (after I discovered Madonna 10 years ago). But of course she can't be compared with M, she's totally different. M always has a nice package PLUS lil bit controversial during her 25 years career (obviously, it makes her stay in this business).
Amy is a real honest, she's the truth. She writes all the lyrics and tunes herself on her guitar, and based on her true story. She sings with her heart. You can feel her every time you hear her songs or watch her perform. With Amy, what you see is what you get. If you want to hear her play, just give her a guitar and she'll play songs for you. She doesn't need a huge stadium and lots of properties for her show, she only need her true fans to listen to her songs. BUT! It's Amy Winehouse couple years ago.
Amy now is still battling with her addiction, while her husband is in jail. Why Amy? I once think that her motto is "Live Fast Die Young". You'll feel sorry if you see her last picture of her. I feel terrible too. And the person who can save Amy is Amy herself.
Please Ames, get yourself altogether!! I know deep down inside I've lost hope for her (considered from her recent pictures). But I always pray the best for you ^^,)
and guess what? She LOVES kids!! (just like I do!)
Happy burfdaeee my girls!! Wish u all the bezt