News today isn't good at all. Amy Winehouse filmed smoking crack.. Heath Ledger found dead in his apartment. Blah blah blah.. What's going on in this world today? Seems everyone become a druggie. So sad.. Shame on them who have such a talent. Did fame and fortune change all their life?
OK it's not in celebrity world only. We, as a teenager, also had several problems like that too. Thank GOD me and my friends I know, don't do drugs. But I'm sure there are many teenager who do drugs. I think it's the worst thing to happen.
Actually one of my family member (not my brothers of course), ever used drugs for years. There's nothing left but his weak body, his weird behavior, and his mental illness. He used to live in my brother's house for years, my brother gave him a job, but unfortunately he couldn't use this opportunity to change himself. Then he back to drugs, and my brother told him to get out from his house. Thank God right now he's seeking for help, go to the rehab center and sees his doctor everyday to make sure that he's fine and he come back to work to one of my brother.
Take a look at his story, he's now not young anymore, and he has rebuild his life in this "not-so-young" age. I feel really sorry for him cause I know he's a nice guy and SMART. He wants to married too, of course. But I think it's pretty hard to find woman who will receive him the way he is, as a ex-junkie and all. All I can do is just praying for the best. Because regret always comes in the end.
So please please stay away from drugs. I've been in those situation, watched people suffering, arrested by cops, their nearly death experience. And that's not GOOD at all. It's not the reason why you put on this earth.
If you have enough money, use it for things that useful. HELP PEOPLE. Because you know what? In the end, when we stand in the GOLDEN GATE, God won't give a shit about how much money do we have, how big our power, and all that physical things, but
how we treat people when we lived in this world.Actually, LIFE'S TOO SHORT. We'll never know what will happen, even on the next five minutes.
There's a quote I'd love to share with all of you,
if you want happiness for hours, go shopping
if you want happiness for a day, go fishing
if you want happiness for a month, go traveling
if you want happiness for a year, be an heiress
if you want happiness for a lifetime, help people.