Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hairstyles For Oval And Oblong Face Shapes


Oval Shaped Face

Take a scale in your hand and measure the length and the width of your face, and if the length is one and a half times the width then your face shape is considered to be oval. Julia Roberts, Sharon Stone and Cindy Crawford are some of the celebrities who have an oval face shape.

This egg like face shape is very symmetrical and has balanced proportions, with wide cheekbones, a narrow forehead and then even narrower chin. This face shape is considered to be the most beautiful and most perfect, and thus you are quite at liberty to try on an almost any hair length and any hairstyle and you will surely look fabulous.

Best fit: go with the hair length that pleases you, but just avoid getting any of your hair to fall onto your face, because that kind of disturbs the natural balance of your face shape. Look for hairstyles in which your hair is combed backwards and no part of your face is covered with strands.

Stay away from: heavy bangs and hair styles that cover up your forehead.

Oblong Shaped Face

A face shape that is longer in length by more than one and a half times the width of the face, falls into the oblong shape category. A well defined chin, a high forehead, and narrow and streamlined cheekbones and jaw line, are some of the distinctive features of an oblong face shape. Sarah Jessica Parker, Janet Jackson and Hillary Swank are a few of the celebrities you can look up to as specimens of oblong face shape.

Best fit: look for hair styles that create fullness around your ears, to balance out the outlook. Creating fringes or curls around the face, or trying side parting or outward flips can balance out the extra length of your face, giving it an oval or rounded outline. Layering can also be helpful in adding a bit of softness to your face contours.

Stay away from: avoid longer lengths as they will just add on to the length of your face, and that certainly is not needed. However, if you still must go with long lengths then get them layered to get back some balance. Also avoid hair styles that add height to your hair, especially above the forehead.